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Preparing Your Business For Black Friday

This year, Black Friday Cyber Monday (“BFCM”) will be quite different than years past. The global pandemic has largely shifted consumer spending online which is likely to further escalate into the holiday season. If you and your business want to capitalize on the “shopping event of the year,” it is crucial you start planning early! Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19, this could be your biggest year yet. So, what can you do to get started?

Prepare well in advance

Start early in your BFCM preparations and remember that shoppers are also preparing for this weekend just as much as business owners, so keep your customers in the loop. You should have a marketing strategy in place for what you are going to doing the build up to the big weekend.

While in years past, shoppers spent time standing in lines, this year they will spend more time researching deals online – so make sure you communicate deals as early as possible to help your customer prepare.

Ensure your website is ready for a potential surge in traffic

If your marketing plan comes together properly you can expect a significant increase in website traffic. You do not want your website to crash on this big day – spend time to ensure your servers can handle huge spikes in sessions and sales.

What are your competitors up to?

Subscribe to your competitors email lists and study the campaigns they are testing out – but remember not to copy! This can help inspire your own marketing efforts for your BFCM campaign.

Capitalize on Social Media

More and more consumers are using social media to follow their favourite brands and make buying decisions. Social media provides a huge opportunity for businesses to make sales, especially during a time like BFCM!

You can consider tactics like social media discounts by using speical discount codes related to your social media. You might also run contests and giveaways – after all, people love free stuff. These are just a few of the tactics you can deploy on socials.

Start email marketing early!

Do not underestimate the power of email marketing campaigns. Every business should have a few email marketing campaigns planned to bring consumers back to their website. So, begin planning, creating, and scheduling your emails and campaigns in advance.

COVID-19 product trends

Consider products that have seen an uptick in demand since the beginning of the pandemic. We have all heard of a friend looking for dumbbells who cannot find an affordable pair, or a pair at all. You may also want to iterate on existing products or try out new products that might grab consumer attention during the pandemic.

Use live chat

If your website does not have a live chat feature, consider using one for BFCM. Your customers should be able to reach your during this crazy time! You do not want to lose a sale because you were unreachable – most questions can be answers in under 30 seconds!

Consider your return policy

Make sure that you have a clear and fair return policy communicated on your website. This could push someone from being a potential customer to a real and committed customer of your business.

Are you ready on mobile?

We suggest business owners to consider mobile first. What is your store’s experience like for mobile users? Make sure you have a mobile-friendly user experience and don’t assume consumers will be using only a desktop – chances are they’re not!

Reflection time!

Reflect on the strategies that worked this year and what didn’t – it is important you learn from your mistakes. As you implement new strategies for the time following BFCM, continue to track what is working and always take some time to reflect on lessons learned.

Cheers to a successful BFCM! By deploying these tips, you should be in a strong position to take on your competitors and shine during one of the biggest shopping weekends of the year!